A Chemical Peel is a treatment used to improve skin texture and tone. An acid is applied to the skin to lower the pH, which loosens the connections between dead skin cells, including exfoliation and stimulating new skin growth. this process causes superficial layers of dead skin to peel off, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion.

Chemical peels have been used dating back to Ancient Egypt, according to some sources Cleopatra used sour milk to improve the appearance of her skin.

AlumierMD’s Chemical Peel Philosophy

AlumierMD offers light to medium depth peels know for their excellent results and safety profile. we believe in repeated treatments for progressive and gradual results to avoid side effects and downtime associated with deeper peels. AlumierMD peels are only performed by trained skin care professionals in a clinical setting to ensure that they are delivered safely and effectively.

Chemical peels work by deeply exfoliating the surface layers of the skin, forcing your body to quickly replenish it with new cells. When peels are performed regularly, the skin gets used to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. to be sure that the body doesn’t react to this exfoliation as it would to trauma, which can lead to pigment changes, exfoliation must be introduced gradually giving the skin time to adjust.

Pre-treatment products precondition the skin, accelerate results and minimise complication. Post-treatment products minimise complications, heal and soothe the skin and then maintain the results. Professional treatments enhance the results of home care products.

Chemical Peel Treatment Expectations

Beautiful skin doesn’t happen overnight and treatments take time to show results.A single chemical peel can provide the immediate effect of bright and radiant skin, however, more significant results in treating textural issues, fine lines and inflamed acne could take up to eight weeks.

Using homecare products consistently and as directed to achieve optimal results.

Just as you take time to exercise, you need to take time for your “daily skin care workout regime.

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